Founder desk
Mr. Ashutosh Kumar Tiwari
(Founder : Ashutosh Educational Medical Instititute of AEPT Higher Education Lucknow)
Chairman Desk
Mr . Umesh Chauhan
(AEMI of Higher Education Lucknow)
Registrar Desk
Jaypraksh Singh
(Registrar AEMI Of Higher Education Lucknow)
Madam Poonam Chauhan
(Registrar AEMI Of Education Lucknow)
Dr. Sanjay Chauhan
Member Desk :
- Sultan Ansari
- Suraj Chauhan
- Vijaykumar Singh
- Anil Kumar Singh
Registration Council
India Council Of Alternative Medicine Medical Education In Lucknow
Registerd For Promotion Of Public Service of Primary Health & Medical Education
The Open Alternative University For Alternative Medicine : –
Established in 1882 AT ALMAATA USSR No – 115620-6-30
& Recognized By the United Nations Peace University By Constituted Under Resolutaion No –
35/55/5//X11/80 Of August 1988
Medicine Alternative ALMA – ATA – 1962,
Is Licensed By the Government Of Uttar Pradesh To Provide Education On Practice , Research, Development Propgation & Promotion Of Alternative System Of MEDICINE, i.g.
Electro Homeopathy, Homeopathy, Ayurveda, Tynani, Yoga, Naturopathy, Meditation, Acupressuse, Accupunture, etc,
Swasthy Jagrukta Mission Is a HumanResource development organization established for promotion and co-operative of health awareness programe.
The moto of World Health Organization (W.H.O) .
Regd by govt of Uttar Pradesh under S.R act of the govt of India For the development of human being servaral programe mission . etc. are being run at the level of government as well as non – government organization on Swasthy Jagrukta Mission is one of the important programs.
Aims Objective
- These aims are no profit no loss.
- To Established or expand research Training & Consulting Center & to arrange for higher study in swasthy paryavarnavarn Shiksha Jagrukta and its better for the development and to regulate there Teaching and Practice all over India.
- To Publish Health Magazines Periodicals books overnis.
- To – Co- Ordinate with other same type of societies and arrange scmimas, meeting, congress,work,shop, exhibition for the development of society.
- To provide information and run courses and spread awareness of health education environment education villages and town.
- To Provide Rehabilitation and to do all gets for child care.
- To Open branches of the society and regulation for working.
- Also to do all acts for the fulfillment of the aims objective for the purpose, Recognisation pprove , granfin aid, donation from society, public and government.
(Charter Of AEPM TRUST , Lucknow Registerd for promotion of Primary Health and Medical Education In Public Service )
Administrative Office :
Exract From the memo random rules % Regulation the AEPMTRUST Of Higher Education duty Registerd by the government of uttar Pradesh literary scientific institution Indian act 1854 Based on the central government act 1882.
Rules –
1 ( a ) The Council Shall certify supervise and maimtaive a register of practiomes possessing degree diploma or ccertificate from the council or any college or institution in any branch n2 alternative medicines . either affiliated to the council or and authorty institute and the pracfitions who have an experience of the last 5 tears in any branch of alternative medicine.
2 (b) You should not prescribe any dangerous poisones drugs medicated in drugs & costmetic rule 1945.
3 (c) In case any officers authorized by government pay advice expertcourse test is extemded and the council certificate along with circular govt of india no 04/06/2017 M.P.T dated25th Nov 1972of the uniform Health ministry written to all the state govt accept kerala including govt of uttar Pradesh shown.
4 (d) The Registerd Medical Practice uniform code of conduct as may be determind by the council form time of time.
5 (E) The Practioner who shall be erolled in the register of the council shall be entited to practice as a qualified physician with or t any Restrication and shall fitness e.t.c of the patients.
6 ( f ) A registerd medical practionears of the council is declosed as a qualified person to practice on paramedical lines of tareatment as provided bt the rule and regulations of the council and shall not convicted or punished by any government in india . If Ho she shall be proved to the man/women of good moral charcter conducted and honest in discharging His / Her Duties