Our Courses



1Diploma In Medical Laboratory Technology
2Diploma In ECG Technology
3Diploma In Health Sanitary Inspector
4Diploma In Physicotheropy
5Diploma In X – RAY Technology
6Diploma In Operation Therapy Assistant
7Diploma In Occupational Therapy
8Diploma In Opthalmic Technology
9Diploma In Optomatry
10Diploma In Radiology & Imaging Technology
11Diploma In Trama Care & Casualty Technology
12Diploma In Echo Cardiography Cardiotechnology
13Diploma in Amasthesia Assistant
14Diploma In Emergency Medical Technology
15Diploma In Cathlab Technology
16Diploma In Laproscopic Surgical Technology
17Diploma In Multipurpose In Health Worker (Male/Female)
18Diploma In MRI Scan Technology
19Diploma In Ultrasonography Technology
20Diploma In CT SCAN Technology



1Bachelor Of Dental Alternative Science
2Bachelor Of Naturopathy & Yoga Science
3Bachelor Of Alternative Medicine Science
4Bachelor Of Ayurvedic Medicine Science
5Bachelor Of Alternative Medicine & Bachelor Of Medical Science
6Bachelor Of Dental Science In Alternative Medicine
7Bachelor Of Medicine In Electro Homeopathy
8Bachelor Of Electro Homeopathy Science
9Bachelor Of Acupunture
10Bachelor Of Acupressure Yoga Science



1Master Diploma In Naturopathy and Yoga Science
2Master Diploma In Ayurvedic Medicine
3Doctor Of Medicine In Alternative Medicine / Neuro Psychiatry / Dermlogy & Venerology/ Child Health/ Gastrology
4Master Diploma In Unani Medicine
5Master Diploma In Homeopathy Medicine
6Doctor Of Medicine In Electro Homeopathy
7Master Of Diploma In Acupunture
8Doctor Of Medicine In Acupressure
Sr NoCategory Courses        
1P G. Diploma In Ultra Sonography   
2      P G. Diploma In MRI
3P G. Diploma In CT SCAN    
4P G. Diploma In Cosmetic Medicine
5P G. Diploma In Dermetology In Clinical Practice
6P G. Diploma In Expeaition and Wilderness Medicine
7P G. Diploma In Leadership In Health Care
8P G. Diploma In Medical Education
9P G. Diploma In Pain Management
10Public Health
11P G. Diploma In Sexual and Reproductive Medicine
12P G. Diploma In Acute Medicine
13P G. Diploma In Clinical Psychiatry
14P G. Diploma In Gastroentrology
15P G. Diploma In Renal Medicine
16P G. Diploma In Diabetes
17P G. Diploma In Endocrinology
18P G. Diploma In Genomic Medicine
19P G. Diploma In Nursing (Adult)
20P G. Diploma In Nursing (Child)
21P G. Diploma In Nursing Learning Disabitites
22P G. Diploma In Nursing Mental Health
23P G. Diploma In Obesity & Weight Management
24P G. Diploma In Preventative Cardiovascular Medicine
25P G. Diploma In Respiratory Medicine
26P G. Diploma In Rheumatology
27P G. Diploma In Consultative Supervision
28P G. Diploma In Intergrative Counseling & Psychotherapy
29P G. Diploma In Counsiling Children & Young Pepole
30P G. Diploma In Radition Medicine
31P G. Diploma In Radio Diagnosis
32P G. Diploma In Radio Therapy
33P G. Diploma In Sport Medicine
34Tropical Medicine Health
35P G. Diploma In  P G. Diploma In
36P G. Diploma In Tuberculosis & Chest Disases
37P G. Diploma In Dermology & Venerologyp
38P G. Diploma In Physical Medicine & Rehabiliation
39P G. Diploma In Public Health
40P G. Diploma In Psychological Medicine
41P G. Diploma In Medical Virology
42P G. Diploma In Obestetries & Gynaecology
43P G. Diploma In Occupational Health
44P G. Diploma In Opthalmology
45P G. Diploma In OTO – Rhinolaryngology
46P G. Diploma In Orthopaedies
47P G. Diploma In Clinical Pathalogy
48P G. Diploma In Diabetology
49P G. Diploma In Anesthesia
50P G. Diploma In Child Health ( A M )
51P G. Diploma In Community Medicine
52P G. Diploma In Acupunture
53P G. Diploma In Acupressure
54P G. Diploma In Aromatherapy
55P G. Diploma In Ayurvedic Medicine
56P G. Diploma In Bach Flower Remedies
57P G. Diploma In Biochemic Medicine
58P G. Diploma In Chiropractic Therapy
59P G. Diploma In Electro Homoeopathy
60P G. Diploma In Gem Therapy
61P G. Diploma In Homeopathic Medicine
62P G. Diploma In Hypnotherapy
63P G. Diploma In Holistic Medicine
64P G. Diploma In Indo Allopathy
65P G. Diploma In Medicinal Herbalisim
66P G. Diploma In Meditation
67P G. Diploma In Magneto Therapy
68P G. Diploma In Medical Astrology
69P G. Diploma In Massage Therapy
70P G. Diploma In Naturopathy
71P G. Diploma In Osteopathy Medicine
72P G. Diploma In Reiki Healing
73P G. Diploma In Siddha Medicine
74P G. Diploma In Traditional Medicine
75P G. Diploma In Unani Medicine
76P G. Diploma In Yoga Therapy
77P G. Diploma In Varma Therapy